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Register as new member

Register as New Member

  Volvo 480 club EUROPE - Welcome new member!

You can use this page to register as a new member, and know what? It's FREE! After you have filled out this form you can send it to us by clicking the button at the bottom. Processing this form may take anywhere between a few hours and a few weeks. All fields marked * are obligated.

Important: due to changes in AOL-policy Volvo 480 Club Europe mail is regarded as spam. We sadly have no way to correct this problem nor does contacting AOL help. We therefor can sadly no longer accept applications using an AOL-mail-address, our sincerest apologies. A solution would be to use a hotmail / gmail / yahoo account.

PS: please do NOT use this form if you have registered in the past. If you want to change your account please log in and alter your existing account using the 'Change Registration Details' tab. If you have lost your password please follow: this link.

Personal Data
  First name : *
  Last name : *
  Street :    No.    
  ZIP-code :
  City : *
  Country : *
  Date of Birth :      
  E-Mail : *
  ICQ-number :
  MSN Messenger :
  Homepage URL :

Car Data
  VIN-Number : *
  Cartype : *
  First Registered :      
  Registration Plate : (on bumper)

  Special Edition : *
if the car is a Collection or Celebration, what number : Number ( /480)

  Color : *
  Color Description :

Please check all details before clicking 'Register'.