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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:42 am
by Gimle
It seems our (The Netherlands) Foreign Minister is going to be the new leader of the NATO... :shock::?:

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:30 am
by coyote1980
He'll have a hard time considering the differences in opinions between the US and the EU...

I'm not really proud he's the new secretary general...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:59 pm
by volvofox
What car does he drive ?

Yes I am not proud too, but also not ashamed. He can only be judged afterwards. I hope he has the same quality as mr Joseph Luns had, and he can manage some more respect to do our own European thing inspite of always being the boss's dog, always doing things against the will of our own people to serve the US republican criminals. so not bringing them closer together, but bring the us closer to europe.

I still think it is/was wrong to occupy a land because you don't like the leader (nothing more is proofed) Now them criminals move the problem to the rest of the world.(foreign opposed nations armies now die there) They should stay at theyr farm and drill holes.

what arab political groups did in the world and us, is very wrong. But they (US) should in first hand do something about the reasons why they did this, inspite of playing an eye for an eye (until everyones blind)

(only my oppinion, on which i have a right to, not meaning to hurt anyone)


(well, it isn't handy to discuss politics, as is religion, but hey, its not forbidden)