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F***ing A***holes!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:57 am
by Roo
Well, I went away to Glasgow on Thursday evening for a wedding in Larkhall. All was well but on the Saturday morning I was woken by another guest saying the Range Rover had been hit in the car park. Worse still, the fucker had just driven off! :angry:
The said guest was having a fag out of the window at the time and watched it happen. Apparently, he drove off, into the side of the car then had to reverse to unhook himself! Needless to say she got the reg and car details. :)
At the moment, i'm waiting on a response from the police. (they were on the scene within 30mins of calling surprisingly.
Anyway the damage. :(
So, if anyone sees a White Ford Transit Pick-Up reg number NJ03UXW feel free to call him a wanker or otherwise!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:33 pm
by Dan the 480 Man
Thats shit luck dude. But on the upshot, at least you have the vehicle details... Lets just see if it can be followed through or wether there's some fucking crap law which lets them get away with it...

Glad it wasn't one of the 480's though (not that i'm glad it was the RR, but you know what i mean).

Tossers! :angry:

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:19 pm
by Big Brother
Shit dude, I know that feeling well. Some people just don't have respect for other people's property

Well when I worked in Homebase costs of repairing my car came to just over £300. After this I started parking over 3 parking bays which the customers and management weren't happy about, especially on a busy day. I said quite simply either they pay the repair bills or install CCTV and I'd consider just parking over 2 bays.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:31 pm
by Murf
Must have been some size of machine to damage the rangey!!

Well annoying :angry:

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:50 pm
by robkendall
arseholes indeed!

im not 100% sure, but doesnt leaving without informing make it criminal? as in the police will purse?

hope u get the twat and make him(her) pay!


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:13 pm
by guitarcarfanatic
It certainly is. My friend from uni got done by the police for failing to inform the police of an accidnet and leaving the scene of an accident...Even though she had left a note on the windscreen with her details. They claimed she hadn't made suitable attempts to try and find the owner and should have phoned the police. She got 5 points (was in her probationary period so almost got licence taken away) and fined £300. The owner of the other car was happ with the fact details had been left and went through insurance. It was the Police who did all the prosecuting as a member of the public phoned them when they saw her drive off. The owner of the damaged car even had to appear in court and stated he had told the police he didn't want it followed up as details had been left and he had happily claimed on insurance.

Badger the police until they do something!

Re: F***ing A***holes!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:27 pm
by owen080808
Roo wrote:they were on the scene within 30mins of calling
what, strathclyde police... really?!?! :shock:
Roo wrote: At the moment, i'm waiting on a response from the police.
could be a long wait. I have zero confidence in the police, particularly in this general area.

Thats crappy news, but at least the 480 survives to make it to the meet. hope you get it sorted without too much hassle!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:56 pm
by Murf
what, strathclyde police... really?!?!
He was in a range rover, that in glasgow=drug baron!
I have zero confidence in the police, particularly in this general area
Me too, after the time my 480 got rammed by the car with fake plates and the driver left fake details, the police couldnt have given less of a fuck!!
Funnily enough, that was a range rover :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:48 pm
by stu chacks

Thank heavens for the smoking ban, that chap might not have had to be leaning out of the window to have a fag otherwise! Bad news, but good result you got the reg plate, hope they give the trannie driver 5points and a fine too, what a cock! White van men, nightmare. Fingers crossed you get it sorted anyway Andy.


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:50 pm
by Darren
I can't believe somebody could do that much damage then just drive off. Everybody gets small dents and scratches from idiots that are to ignorant to own up, but your looking at a new panel(s), light cluster, scuffs and dents all together. :shock:

Just to note, I checked the licence plate and I'm getting back that the vehicle is a red Ford Transit Connect T200 TDCi. You might want to recheck the witness' memory again.

Was there no CCTV on the premises? I hope you get this guy.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:19 am
by robkendall
ask the hotel if they were having work done etc...they should have a log of the workers reg number/name etc, or even if any of the guests had booked their 'van' in (most hotel require reg number of cars in car park) or for the security cctv footage to see if the van was on any of them....then if its either a dodgy number plate, or confusion it will settle it.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:33 am
by Roo
Thanks for the replies. :D
The place is having some major work done and that was my first thought but checking with reception (theres no cctv :( ) they said it wasn't one of their workmen nor was it logged in the arrivals book.
However, my witness identified the vehicle correctly as the ford transit pick-up and several other guests remember walking by it the previous night on their way back to their rooms. (me included)

My guess is, he's local, stopped for a pint or two the previous evening, got lucky with a guest (the place was heaving with a coach load of pensioners :lol: ) stayed the night then got up pissed the next day cos he was late for work or was supposed to have the van back to the yard/ wasn't supposed to be out in it. Hit my car and didn't want to stop cos he would get done for DD and hoped it was early enough for no-one to see.
I'm gonna phone the police again today at lunch if I havent heard anything by then.
I've also informed the insurance company and they are going to follow it up too.
Fingers crossed!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:41 am
by Roo
Darren wrote:
Just to note, I checked the licence plate and I'm getting back that the vehicle is a red Ford Transit Connect T200 TDCi. You might want to recheck the witness' memory again.
Thats slightly worrying, the vehicle matches those details but was white. :?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:51 am
by piper1st
robkendall wrote:im not 100% sure, but doesnt leaving without informing make it criminal? as in the police will purse?

YUP!! see the link below ... that's good enough for me!

section 170 of Road Traffic Act 1988 ... tm#mdiv170

i believe the police are duty bound to respond to all written letters ... so put your concerns etc in writing as well as phoning ... leaves a paper trail! ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:10 am
by robkendall
Roo wrote:but checking with reception (theres no cctv :( ) they said it wasn't one of their workmen nor was it logged in the arrivals book.
However, my witness identified the vehicle correctly as the ford transit pick-up and several other guests remember walking by it the previous night on their way back to their rooms. (me included)
other option then is ask people in your party if any of them took any photos round where your rangey was parked....someone may have got lucky and have his van in a pic?
worked for me once....similar ish incident at sister wedding, got pranged by a car that drove off...funnily enough mum had a pic of my sis and hubby in front of my car, with the car that hit me next to it...reg plate clear as a bell!
(i had an old moggy minor and we used it as the wedding car lol)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:13 am
by muddyfox470
any luck with catching the wanker ?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:38 am
by BruceT
Vehicle Details 1 for registration number NJ03UXW
Year of manufacture
Engine size(CC)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:12 am
by suddy
parking spaces are too narrow in this country.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:55 am
by Roo
No, he was never caught. The vehicle turned out to be on false plates so that was the end of that. I'm currently looking for a non-rusty bonnet (concealed hinges) for the Rangey right now. There about as hard to find as shiney rear clusters for the 480!