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RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:17 am
by Rachel
He helped me and others so much over the years here. Moved away from 480's but still kept I touch with the friends he made on this forum. He became a close friend of mine after meeting him here and I'm sure many others will agree.
He'll be hugely missed.
Love you Steve aka Catgroom

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:26 am
So shocked by this. Great bloke, always helpful.
Was a pleasure to have met and been a friend
RIP Groomus

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:47 am
by Sophie
I read that on Facebook, I'm so sad, he was such a great guy.

RIP Steve :(

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:12 pm
by glasgowjim
RIP although I only met Steve once (to buy a 480 turbo) he was to use an old fashioned expression a "decent man". His support of forum members was significant. So sorry to hear this news.


Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:19 pm
by piper1st
I’m very rarely on here these days, but I just heard this very sad news from Murf and wanted to login again to leave a message. Although I never met Steve, we were both active members on here for a good few years and sometimes chatted on MSN Messenger. He was a very helpful guy with vast knowledge of a car we all love! When I was specing the new lowered suspension for my 480 turbo, Steve took the time to PM me to share his experiences, information I learned, and then passed on to several other members over the years.
Steve’s posts were always a quality read and often had me laughing out loud, from light heard jokes to funny polls or threads like “Forum Member Look-a-likes” ( ... =9&t=14728)! :lol:

An eternally respected member of 480 Club Europe and will be very sadly missed.

RIP Groomus :(

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:38 pm
by Murf
Aye, you always knew when you opened one of his threads it would be something random or funny or both! He was even more random in real life but a really nice chap that would make anyone feel at ease.

Life needs more people like him and I'm genuinely upset to hear of his passing :cry:

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:27 am
by Rachel
I think we all agree our world will now be a duller place without him.
I've been talking to quite a few of his friends over the last day or two and they all have interesting stories to tell. All are left shocked.
I believe he will be cremated in Peterborough and his ashes will be scattered in Surrey where he grew up and spoke fondly about, details of which will be added to his Timeline on FB when available.
He was a great friend and a super guy.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:45 am
by Rachel
On a more personal note Steve was there on this forum right from the start for me. He was the first to pm me and getting chatting, with advise and general banter. This quickly moved to many many chats on line where he helped me with my various 480's and various issues in my life, I'd like to think I helped him too. Even up till a few weeks ago he was still helping with my 480t - (piper1st 's old 480t) and we where planning a time where he could come over to detail it after the respray.
I'm sure he'd be so happy to hear he'd touch so many lives. His friends meant the world to him.
We recently had a pretty deep chat about life and personal stuff and I got the opportunity to tell him how much he meant me. For this I am very grateful. I'll miss you very much Steve. I'll never forget you.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:19 am
by MatBat
Just heard the sad news.

Used to see Steve quite a bit! I'm totally shocked.

Rest in peace Mr Groom.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:12 am
by martinholmesuk
Thanks Rachel for the txt about the sad passing of catgroom!

I would like to add a few lines to this thread.

I met Steve many years ago when we both joined the forum. I remember meeting Steve many times over the years. We had some very random fun times.
MatBat will remember several some of those as will the older forum members at the meets.

Thank you to Steve for giving me the nicknames of MILFUS / Milf Hunter ect. I remember such times as taking my old Subaru for a long time and oh hang on I can't type that but so dodgy! I expect the old timers on here know that story so lets leave it at that!

Steve was one of my friends who helped me though my divorce and in return I hope I helped him with some things. Later in life we fell out and we not had contact for several years. No bad feelings just that's how it went.

I will dig out some old pictures when I find them.

RIP Steve. I will always remember the fun times we had! My thoughts be with his mum and dad and his cats.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 1:07 pm
by Big Brother
I'm truly shocked to hear the sad news of Steves passing.

Having met Steve a couple of times at 480 meetings he was a top bloke who would always make you laugh in person, on here and on MSN Messanger (back in the day)

RIP Groomus, you will be missed!

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:45 pm
by welsh-dragon
So very sad to read the news that Steve is no longer with us. I only met him once but we exchanged messages several times during my 480 ownership. I remember him coming to the Wales meet with his golden labrador in the passenger seat; he was a real character.
RIP Groomus

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:50 am
by Rachel
Some details of the funeral are now on Steve's timeline on FB. If anyone who wants to go but is not on FB please feel free to contact me for the details.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:41 pm
by JohnTurbo
Nice to see you all, but sad circumstances indeed.

Funny how such a thing can may one return here!

What a strange car that links us.

I think me and steve joined around the same time in 2004 and met at the Devizes meet....he later told me he left early because I was so drunk and it was making him twitch. Such a soft manner in person and brutally pointed sense of humour online. I find myself very much saddened. - We both have silver saabs now, and I might never look at mine the same now given the circumstances.

I hope he's in a better place and had someone to delete his browser history.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:43 am
by Roo
Its been a long long time since I last posted on here and its under such tragic circumstances but I feel the 480 forum is a fitting location to say a few words.
I got chatting to Steve on here pretty much as soon as I joined and had many a conversation about 480's and just about every other subject under the sun.
He visited me in Aberdeen (with Barney in tow) and once I'd moved to Peterborough we shared many a time walking our Labradors Barney and Thistle and rounding off car days with a curry. Parp!
I ended up buying his 480 "the Charger" and I can honestly say it was the best handling 480 id ever driven. He was always a stickler for having spot on suspension.
Over the past year or so, personal circumstances meant Steve and I had drifted apart. Sadly, I'm more sorted now and had intended to rekindle our friendship but as we all know, that can now never happen.
A couple of pictures of happier times, one of the charger and Dans 480 - the first time I met Steve and another of him and my brother changing the woefully badly fitted windscreen in his Audi "Gelbus" we had quite a laugh changing that and seeing the picture again has brought back many happy memories. I think his expression says it all.
Yes he was a complex character and he knew how to try your patience at times but I will miss him greatly along with his Alan Partridge and Mike Strutter quotes.

I shall be at the funeral so if you come along, please say hello. It would be great to reminisce about Steve for the afternoon.
Of course, my thoughts go out to his mum and dad as well.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:38 am
by Richmann1
Not a lot to say really apart from what has already been said. Steve was one of lifes characters and one of those people who was always willing to help. He was only up here a few weeks ago for the weekend and we had a great day rummaging round the scrapyard, so Steve was in his element loved having a nosy round all the cars to see what he could acuire ( ;) ). Seems a bit odd logging onto facebook etc and not having lots of interesting messages waiting and crude comments :?
Unfortunetly i wont be able to make the funeral as i am away with work and cant get back, i planned on bringing the 480 down which Steve and I had spent many hours fixing things which i think he would have liked.



Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:49 pm
by Rachel
There will be one 480 at his funeral - I'm definitely coming in mine, and hopefully Willow my dog who he really loved :)

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:46 pm
by Rachel
Roo wrote:Its been a long long time since I last posted on here and its under such tragic circumstances but I feel the 480 forum is a fitting location to say a few words.
I got chatting to Steve on here pretty much as soon as I joined and had many a conversation about 480's and just about every other subject under the sun.
He visited me in Aberdeen (with Barney in tow) and once I'd moved to Peterborough we shared many a time walking our Labradors Barney and Thistle and rounding off car days with a curry. Parp!
I ended up buying his 480 "the Charger" and I can honestly say it was the best handling 480 id ever driven. He was always a stickler for having spot on suspension.
Over the past year or so, personal circumstances meant Steve and I had drifted apart. Sadly, I'm more sorted now and had intended to rekindle our friendship but as we all know, that can now never happen.
A couple of pictures of happier times, one of the charger and Dans 480 - the first time I met Steve and another of him and my brother changing the woefully badly fitted windscreen in his Audi "Gelbus" we had quite a laugh changing that and seeing the picture again has brought back many happy memories. I think his expression says it all.
Yes he was a complex character and he knew how to try your patience at times but I will miss him greatly along with his Alan Partridge and Mike Strutter quotes.

I shall be at the funeral so if you come along, please say hello. It would be great to reminisce about Steve for the afternoon.
Of course, my thoughts go out to his mum and dad as well.
Hi Adam

It's was nice to meet you at the funeral - it was brief unfortunately - I did make it to the pub eventually after Rich got there but you'd already gone :( the day didn't go as planned exactly, but it's uniqueness seemed to reflect the uniqueness of Steve quite nicely ;)
The 480 ran perfectly I'm happy to say. I'm sure Steve was with me as I gave it some Richmod Booost on the way home! ;)

Such a shame the Charger wasn't present.

Keep havin a laugh up there Steve - see you again one day my friend xxx

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:47 pm
by 1900sr
Only just found out via UK Saabs about Steve, I think I only met him three times, once at Lincoln meet, then he came over to my house I think for some parts. It was Christmas and we made the mistake of leaving Barney in the lounge with the tree. That was the end of our chocolate tree decorations. The last time he came over a couple of years ago, he clipped the claws on our cat and gave him a grooming session, and we gave him a TV in return.

It almost seemed at one time we were stalking each other online, as I kept getting pm's from him on various car forums. It seemed everytime I bought a car Steve had one similar, and joined the same forums.

RIP Groomus, I'm proud to have met you.

Re: RIP Steve - you'll be greatly missed

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:08 am
by Cerberus
Came on to see what was new. Found this. So sad. Rest well friend. You will be missed.