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Car of the Month

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Car of the Month July 2006 belongs to Daniel Peschka from Germany.

The Start of my Love- The History

Hello, i´m Daniel, and i´m mad about Volvo since i´m six years old. I loved the Lancia Delta´s in the WRC, and soon i noticed a Volvo 345 Gl VIP with mudflaps at a dealership. And in the eyes of a child it just looked as a Delta.So my dad had to buy him. I grew up in Budel (Netherlands), the place where Rob Koch comes from, the chief of development of the 480. I don´t know if he still lived there in 1986, but there were alway´s a lot 480´s in Budel. So i grew up with them, the 480, and it was love at first sight. My Grandfathers doctor had one too, a white Turbo, and he always said that I will own one by myselve in the future. He was right. Since 2001, when i bought my first 480 ES I have had 5 of them. I stil own my first car, the 480 ES from 1989 with Vega alloys. Then I bought a 480 ES Two Tone with automatic. This one is also stil mine, i rebuilded him to a Two Tone Turbo automatic with AC and Cruise Control.

My latest 480, the Collection

I didn´t really wanted to buy another 480, but I found a 480 Collection for a great price in my area, so i had to buy him. It´s number 074/480, Dark Green metallic, Cruise Control,roller blind, cupholder, cetus alloys and, it was a TURBO. There was some work on it, thats why it was a good price. Soon I mounted new white indicators, new rearlights and worked off the "to do" list. Soon the Collection was in good condition, and driving the car was great fun. I mounted some nice Taurus alloys on the Collection. Looked much better than the Cetus wheels. I mounted 30mm Fintec lowering springs and a set of 4 new Koni yellow, that improved the handling in a great way. Even the comfort is better now! Then I improved the sound in the 480 by installing four 3 way Pioneer speakers in the original speakers spots, result was an opera.

But soon, I always noticed the bad spots on the Colli. The rust on both doors, a few dents and the white spots on the nose and bonnet. So, after a while i decided that i wanted to have him resprayed in the orginal colour. I removed the rust myself, removed the bodyparts and the paintshop picked him up at my home. After a week I got back a new car. The paint was so shiney, the whole work was worth it! Because of the bad weahter I had to rebuild the Colli quickly, and had in thoughts that i will do the same work next summer when i have time once again.
I bought some Vesa alloys for the wintertires, and drove the Collection with a lot fun through it´s last winter. This summer it will get a German season numberplate, so I will only drive it from may to september, so no bad salt anymore for the poor 480 body. I fitted the orginal lamps for the footspace, and this summer i will put a hight adjustable passenger seat inside the car.

A few weeks before the 20 Years maymeeting of our club, the Collection received a nice present from me... Brand new Vesa alloys, which I allready kept in my private stock for some years!

I´m very proud, that al 480 drivers who where on the meeting picked my Collection as the most beautiful car of the event. Many thanks for that to all of you! We all do our best to keep the 480 running both now and in the future, so i´m happy to be member of this fantastic 480 community and Club.

For the future I will keep the Collection and my Two Tone Turbo, but will stop buying 480´s and go further with other Volvo´s as a daily driver... But if i would find a WHITE 1995 Turbo with full options...........

And this is the winner of the 20 Years Volvo 480 meeting!

Some photos

Daniel Peschka, member 0381