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Car of the Month

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Car of the Month October 2004 belongs to Ivan Pavlovich from Belgrade.

Hi everybody!

My name is Ivan and I am a proud owner of a Volvo 480 ES for four years now. Rossonero, as I call him, is an old fella (1986). But im trying very hard to give him a pacemaker and a nice facelifting.

This is my second Volvo, and the third Volvo in our house(my father drives 740), so it could be said that we are BIG VOLVO FANS. About my 480, I dont know where to start. When I bought him, he was lacking the whole front-end because the previous owner was running from the police and chrashed. So,it was a big job for someone who is just a student to make him shine once again. But now, a few year later, we are getting close to the end of the restauration process. With only 800kg(!) and 110 bhp(for now), he's like a snake. There have only been a few modifications, but time is my ally. A Remus exhaust and a K&N Air filters should give some increase in performance. Here are a few pics of Rossonero, and one picture of him the way he was two weeks ago. Enjoy :-)

Greetings from Yugoslavia.

Ivan Pavlovich, member 1430